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 I thrive in rooms full of people who are not afraid to wrestle with hard questions and embrace practical, data-driven solutions.

To schedule a seminar or workshop, please contact me. 

Dehumanization and Homelessness 

  • In these sessions we will explore what dehumanization is, why it matters in the context of social issues like homelessness, and how can we work to eliminate it. 

Parenting, Faith, and Family 

  • In these sessions we unpack psychological research that intersects with big questions about faith, family and parenting. Much of this work is informed by my involvement in the Faith Formation Project. 

Social Justice, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

  • In these sessions we will explore factors that are associated with communal well-being and ensuring that good intentions translate into positive actions. 

Personal Growth and Well-being

  • In these sessions we will explore how factors like resilience and gratitude are cultivated and the relationship they have with our mental health and well-being.

I am always adding to this list. Please reach out if you have questions about something you don't see here.

Copyright 2023 Brittany M. Tausen, Ph.D
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